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Hair Loss Forum

Our Hair Loss Forum is the only site on the Internet dedicated to user-to-user discussion about hair loss pills. Read the topics below - one topic per one product - and feel free to post your own reviews. See how 1482 users rated hair loss pills and add your own rating. We do not moderate messages but please - no spam! Take advantage of useful hair loss pills reviews and unconstrained conversations!

Hair Loss Forum

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ProFollica Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 52
Number of postings with ratings: 46

Latest message in ProFollica forum:

Lee D. wrote: Can this product be used with other topical options or should it be used by itself? I am not sure where to find the information. I don't see it on their site.

HarVokse Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 76
Number of postings with ratings: 63

Latest message in HarVokse forum:

David wrote: What age is this supplement for? I want to find something that works for older men. My head has been balding for 10 years now. I am in my early 50's. I just don't know if this would work for someone my age or not.

Foliactive Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 70
Number of postings with ratings: 66

Latest message in Foliactive forum:

Dale G. wrote: Over all I am happy. I am impressed that it only took about a week to see changes. My hair feels and looks thicker, less hair fall when I am in the shower, I think even my dandruff issue is basically gone now. I am going to stick with this one.

Folexin Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 83
Number of postings with ratings: 74

Latest message in Folexin forum:

Sarah wrote: You are wrong. This is not a hormonal supplement. Just like with most other "hair loss treatment pills" the main ingredient here is Biotin which is simply... a vitamin B7! There can't be negative effects of taking vitamins unless you have an allergy or you overdose.

Provillus Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 73
Number of postings with ratings: 65

Latest message in Provillus forum:

Don wrote: ... so I am very happy with the results! Provillus does help stop hair loss and it has no side effects of propecia and other medications. Highly recommended!

Profolan Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 56
Number of postings with ratings: 48

Latest message in Profolan forum:

David S. Roca wrote: For the first time I took part in Profolan studies 2 years ago. About 120 men with problem of advanced alopecia were participating in it. The results of conducted studies were such satisfactory that most of the men within 2-weeks treatment noticed significant strengthening of hair, and in spots where they had no hair they found completely new ones.

Follixin Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 67
Number of postings with ratings: 61

Latest message in Follixin forum:

Albert wrote: That's good advice. Follixin is a great product by itself, but improvements are much better with a healthy diet and regular exercise. It all helps!

Locerin Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 57
Number of postings with ratings: 52

Latest message in Locerin forum:

Dominica wrote: To each and every mother who needs to start believing in herself and have a beautiful hairstyle again - I strongly advise Locerin.

Folisin Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 58
Number of postings with ratings: 53

Latest message in Folisin forum:

Arthur wrote: I used various shampoos and supplements, but it was all for nothing. It was Folisin that made me regain my hair and confidence.

TrichoZed Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 61
Number of postings with ratings: 52

Latest message in TrichoZed forum:


HairNation Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 51
Number of postings with ratings: 47

Latest message in HairNation forum:

Larry G. wrote: HairNation pills were delivered quickly. I've been using it for a month now and already see first changes!

500Cosmetics Hair Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 57
Number of postings with ratings: 53

Latest message in 500Cosmetics Hair forum:

Sarra wrote: I have not used it long but my hair is growing twice as fast!! It feels much fuller and thicker as well. I am very surprised by the results so far.

Hair Again Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 55
Number of postings with ratings: 47

Latest message in Hair Again forum:

Dee wrote: This sounds amazing Peter! I want to get some for my husband. I know his hairline bothers him but he won't look into natural supplements. I am going to show him your review.

HairGenesis Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 51
Number of postings with ratings: 48

Latest message in HairGenesis forum:

Heather wrote: Does this work for women with PCOS? My hair loss is down to hormones so I don't want to bother if it won't make any differences for someone in my position. Anyone know?

Biotin Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 60
Number of postings with ratings: 51

Latest message in Biotin forum:

L. Thomas wrote: Biotin has been pretty good for me! My hair started to recede and immediately I looked for a solution. 6 weeks into Biotin now and my hair is looking good. Not back to its former glory yet, but I am hopeful! Cheers.

Nisim FAST Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 56
Number of postings with ratings: 49

Latest message in Nisim FAST forum:

Darlene wrote: Brian check on Amazon. Some places sell 3 month supplies for a deal. I know I have seen them on there before. I have seen the whole system as part of a deal as well.

TRX2 Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 61
Number of postings with ratings: 52

Latest message in TRX2 forum:

Brian wrote: It might be too soon to say. I have been taking TRX2 for about 3 weeks now and have not noticed anything bad but I have not noticed anything good either. Does anyone know how long you need to take it before you can expect to see results??

Nuzena Hair Growth Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 51
Number of postings with ratings: 49

Latest message in Nuzena Hair Growth forum:

Brianna P. wrote: It took nearly two months to see results but I am very pleased. I had lost a lot of hair at my temples after my second childbirth and unlike the first one, it never came back. I have been taking Nuzena now for almost 1 year and the hair is basically back to normal. Very pleased!

Biogetica Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 56
Number of postings with ratings: 50

Latest message in Biogetica forum:

Carry wrote: Can I take this while I am breast feeding? I am going to be due in a few weeks and I would like to take something to ensure I don't lose any hair.

Foligain Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 56
Number of postings with ratings: 49

Latest message in Foligain forum:

hair desperate wrote: Just started taking it. Feeling strange trying to detect what I am feeling had a kinda nausea feeling then cold sweat.

Viviscal Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 62
Number of postings with ratings: 55

Latest message in Viviscal forum:

Amanda wrote: Rating solely based off zero side effects after first few weeks of use when they are most commonly found. I have not had a single issue. Female 35. Will update review in terms of hair growth/strength at 2 & 3 months.

Hair Growth Vitamins Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 56
Number of postings with ratings: 49

Latest message in Hair Growth Vitamins forum:

Bernie wrote: I don't believe you can buy it in store. Check on Amazon. Sometimes you can find it on there with free 2 day shipping.

Procerin Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 55
Number of postings with ratings: 51

Latest message in Procerin forum:

Nigel wrote: I have given it three months and have not seen any new hair growth BUT my brother has. Keeping that in mind, I am still giving it two stars for my own experience. It smells weird, gave me gas, did nothing for my hair that I could notice, and I believe it dried my skin out. My brother? He has a much thicker hairline. Go figure. Best to try it for yourself.

Propecia Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 51
Number of postings with ratings: 49

Latest message in Propecia forum:

Michael W. wrote: It helped my friend at work. It helped my brother-in-law. It didn't help me. I was disappointed because I had seen what it can do. I guess if you are considering it, you will have to try it out to know if it will work or not for yourself.

Minoxidil Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 51
Number of postings with ratings: 48

Latest message in Minoxidil forum:

Rick wrote: Can this be used when you are in your late 20's? I started losing hair around 22 and have not been able to slow it down. My doc said I could try something like this and I read it can work but I am not sure now with all the negative feedback.

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