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HairGenesis Forum

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HairGenesis HairGenesis

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HairGenesis scores 3.7 out of 5, based on 51 reviews in our HairGenesis forum.

Detailed User Rating

27% (13)
31% (15)
25% (12)
15% (7)
2% (1)

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HairGenesis Forum

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HairGenesis Reviews

Note: only postings with reviews are displayed in this HairGenesis forum.

Author: Heather from PA

Does this work for women with PCOS? My hair loss is down to hormones so I don't want to bother if it won't make any differences for someone in my position. Anyone know?

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Author: Cindy from NYC

Not for me! I had horrible gas and stomach aches. I am sure it is down to one or two ingredients but I ended up throwing out 2 bottles of the stuff. Could not get a refund. Bummed out.

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Author: Anonymous from HairGenesis forum

I read a lot of reviews and don't see anything on this. What medications should be avoided whilst taking HairGenesis? I am on a few different ones. Should I speak with my doc or is this all natural?

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Author: JACKSON from FL


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Author: William M. from North Carolina

Thus far, nothing major has happened in terms of loss. No new growth. My hair does feel softer and looks a lot healthier. It appears to be darker as well. Not as light in the gray areas.

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Author: Adam from HairGenesis forum

How long on average does it take to see noticeable results? I am doing all the right things topically but someone suggested I supplement my body as well and recommended finding a good pill to help me out.

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Author: Lisa Chimes from BA

Not sure about this one. I am not noticing any new changes yet. It has been about a month as well. Maybe I need to wait a bit longer...

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Author: Shawn D. from Missouri

Seems to have decreased hair loss. No new growth but the fact that the hair is staying on my head, I am happy with that! Will continue to use.

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Author: Samuel from UK

I have been using HairGenesis pills for a while now and I can really see a great improvement in my hair health. Amazing hair loss pills!

Author: Kathy Anderson from Canada

How long is a while? I am just curious as I have tried hair loss and hair health pills in the past and they didn't do much for me. I don't want to have to wait 6+ months to start to see results.

Author: David Roberts from SA, Nebraska

I have been taking the supplement for about 9 weeks myself and have noticed new fuzz coming in on my temples where it is basically bald. I have not seen anything there in over 7 years. So for me, this is promising. So just about 2 months for me and I am seeing results.

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